April 7, 2011

Foster the People

Late to the party on this one? Nahh, I've just been busy posting about more current matters, and now that I have run out of new things to say it was between this, and hyping the shit out of Tyler the Creator's new album.... Perhaps I'll leave that for pitchfork. Foster the People's Helena Beat has been getting attention in some pretty random places around the internet. I can hear the screams. "RUN! RUN! INTERNET HYPE!" The song is featured on an intensely hilarious video of some mid-twentyers using their dogs as skateboards. (favorited) And on a crappier note Kid Cudi has prostituted the track so that he can be presumably more independant sounding. Come on, MGMT/Steve Aoki/Ratatat and now Foster the People? Could you please stop riding "everyone elses music train" and come up with some shit on your own?

Sorry for the ranting.

official website link 
lastfm link
dogboarding link

Helena Beat


  1. Why don't you try watching their live performance on SNL and tell me what you think then.

  2. why don't you get off my nuts and realize this post was written long before their fame exploded and were even considered for a live performance on snl.
